May in Pain

31 May 2023

In the long day of pain, exhaustion makes me cranky. 

pain, ouch, sickle cell

My ability to cope with pain has a high threshold, so when I have days when pain killers don’t touch it, is tough.

I can’t hide away from the pain, although no-one looking in from the outside can see.

I can’t sleep through this level of pain although no-one sees me tossing and turning.

I grind my teeth and scrunch my hands into tight fists to get to the other side of the street. A small bag of shopping weighs and drags at me to get home quicker than I can.

This month of May I’ve been in a lot of pain. Nothing special about this month but I would have loved a little warmer sunshine to boost my mood and soothe my pain.

When its chronic pain… everything counts!


Setbacks will happen when you suffer with a chronic pain condition.

Stuff happens, stressors pop up unexpectedly. Even good intentions may not go to plan. Building your resilience will help you cope with these setbacks when they happen and allow you to pick yourself up and get back to your plans quicker.

This starts with taking care of yourself!

Don’t let those setbacks trick you into giving up!

My tried and tested tips that may help you with your pain management:

inflammation, pain, hurting, bones

1. Inflammation

Inflammation – the more persistent inflammation within your body the more pain there will be from your gut to your joints. Reduce inflammatory foods from your diet, refined sugars and processed breads are a good place to start.

sleep quality, reduce pain

2. Sleep

Sleep - The power of sleep can be underestimated. Find ways to sleep better so that more healing can happen deep in your cells. When you heal more within, you’ll feel better physically and mentally.

support, communication, helpful friends

3. Support

Support – Build supportive environments, at home, school, in friendship groups and in your community. Find those people that have compassion and ask for their help or guidance when you need a little uplift. Sometimes just a chat with a friend can uplift you enough to get you through a hard day.

outside world, fresh air, breathe deeply, pain relief

4. Nature

Nature – Just be and breathe in the natural world. Fresh air and enjoying time in nature can have an energetic uplift in your mood and your emotions. Even 5 minutes in your day where you swap other distractions for quiet reflection outdoors will become a positive habit.

move more, stretch, yoga, pain relief

5. Movement

Movement – find a way that fits your body to keep moving a little every day. The simplest of movements can be done from the comfort of your home, some stretching exercises, energetic cleaning, or a walk to the local park and back. 

mypain, pain mamngement, wellbeing, wellness chat

When I work with a family around pain management, a holistic approach is where it begins. No one can make changes to their diet, movement, or habits overnight. There has to be a priority over what hurts the most and we can start there. If you suffer from a chronic condition that leaves you depleted and desperate for change, then get in touch with me for a chat and we can find out where you can begin with making long-term changes that will improve your life forever.

Want to read more about my pain journey? Click here to read My Story


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